
HuskClaims supports importing data from other plugins through the /huskclaims import command.

NameSupported Import DataLink
GriefPreventionClaims, Users


HuskClaims supports importing Claims, Trust and User data from GriefPrevention (v16.18.1+).

  1. Install the latest version of HuskClaims on your server. You may uninstall GriefPrevention.
  2. Run /huskclaims import griefprevention set uri:(URI) username:(USERNAME) password:(PASSWORD), entering in your GriefPrevention database credentials.
    • If you are using a MySQL database, the URI should be in the format jdbc:mysql://(HOST):(PORT)/(DATABASE).
    • If you are using a SQLite database, the URI should be in the format jdbc:sqlite:(PATH_TO_DATABASE).
  3. Run /huskclaims import griefprevention start to begin the import process. This may take a while depending on the size of your database.
  4. Once the importer has finished, verify that the data has been imported correctly by typing /adminclaimslist and /claimslist <player>

A server restart is recommended after the import has successfully completed.