Claim Operations Library

ClopLib (Claim Operations Library) is a Minecraft server library for handling events that take place in varying positions within game worlds, to allow developers to contextually cancel or modify the outcome of operations such as block placement, block breaking, entity spawning, based on whether the type of operation was performed within a claimed region.

Currently, ClopLib targets bukkit servers running Spigot/Paper 1.17.1+. ClopLib requires Java 17.


ClopLib is available on Maven. You can browse the Javadocs here.

Gradle setup instructions

First, add the Maven repository to your build.gradle file:

repositories {
    maven { url "" }

Then, add the dependency itself. Replace VERSION with the latest release version. (e.g., 1.0) and PLATFORM with the platform you are targeting (e.g., bukkit). If you want to target pre-release "snapshot" versions (not recommended), you should use the /snapshots repository instead.

dependencies {
    implementation "net.william278.cloplib:cloplib-PLATFORM:VERSION"

Using Maven/something else? There's instructions on how to include ClopLib on the repo browser.


To build ClopLib, run clean build in the root directory. The output JARs will be in target/.


ClopLib is licensed under Apache-2.0. See LICENSE for more information.


A library for handling events that take place in varying positions within game worlds