Terms and Conditions

I offer support for my plugins on the HuskHelp Discord server. We try and respond to enquiries as quickly as possible there. Once you have joined the Discord, you can use the button in the #create-ticket channel to open a ticket and explain your issue and a member of staff will get back to you.

Please note that all staff members are volunteers, and we reserve the right to remove or ban users from the HuskHelp discord who behave inappropriately.

If you purchase a premium resource, such as HuskTowns and HuskSync, you will be asked to provide proof of purchase. Once proof has been provided, you will be assigned a customer role to confirm your verification. If you leave the HuskSync discord you will need to re-verify.

Banned topics

Please note that we are unable to provide support with the following topics for various reasons. We apologise for the inconvenience.

  • Setting up a proxy network, or installing plugins other than my own
  • Setting up a reverse proxy
  • Installing or upgrading database software (MySQL, MariaDB)
  • Installing or upgrading Redis (some of my plugins make use of this – apologies, but we can't offer sysadmin services)
  • Installing Pterodactyl – or other system administration tasks.
  • Integration with CMI (Content Management Interface). CMI is a complex plugin that tends to not work well with other resources.
    • Unfortunately, we will have to decline requests that involve implementing or fixing issues with CMI.
  • Support for legacy or discontinued projects. We encourage staying up-to-date!
  • Support for fixing issues caused by running a cracked (offline mode) server
  • Support for issues caused by running my stuff on unsupported platforms (sorry, but stuff can break if you run Arclight!)