HuskChat has been archived. I won't be releasing any more updates for it, and won't be able to answer related support questions; sorry about that!

HuskChat 3.0.4 (5 Apr 2024)

HuskChat 3.0.4 fixes some bugs from the previous release.
  • Fixed permission names being incorrect
  • Fixed users on pre-1.19 on Velocity being unable to use commands if the packet event handler was in use
  • Fixed /localspy having the wrong config defaults for aliases and format
  • Updated the Simplified Chinese (zh-cn) locales, courtesy of jhqwqmc (#216)
To update from v3.0, just drag+drop. To update from v2.0, please regenerate all your config files (as there is a new config structure in place). To update from 3.0.x, just regenerate your filters.yml file!

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HuskChat 3.0.4 fixes some bugs from the previous release.4/5/2024
HuskChat 3.0.3 fixes a config-related bug in the previous release.4/2/2024
HuskChat 3.0.2 fixes a few other issues found in the previous release!3/30/2024
HuskChat 3.0.1 fixes a bug with permission checks on Velocity in v3.03/29/2024
HuskChat 3.0 is a major update released due to significant internal changes having been made. This includes better support for modern Minecraft versions (this release no longer requires Un/SignedVelocity).3/29/2024
HuskChat 2.7.1 fixes a bug when running the plugin with SignedVelocity on Velocity proxies10/17/2023
HuskChat 2.7 adds support for Minecraft 1.20.2, adds the ability to send formatted join/quit messages when a player joins/leaves the server, and fixes a few bugs.10/17/2023
HuskChat 2.6.2 adds support for Spicord (to enable two-way chat between in-game and Discord).9/18/2023
HuskChat 2.6.1 is a hotfix update. It also adds French (fr-fr) locale support.9/10/2023
HuskChat 2.6 adds support for running HuskChat on standalone Spigot/Paper/Folia servers and makes a couple of fixes.7/28/2023
HuskChat 2.5.1 is a hotfix update to fix a few issues in the previous release.6/27/2023
HuskChat 2.5 adds support for PAPIProxyBridge and fixes a number of bugs. It also has some important under-the-hood stability changes. Notably, HuskChat on Velocity now depends on UnsignedVelocity (and its' dependency, VPacketEvents).6/27/2023
HuskChat 2.4.1 fixes an issue caused by bad adventure-api shading that prevented the plugin from working on 1.19.3 with Velocity.2/1/2023
HuskChat 2.4 adds the ability to tweak the way server names are formatted in the plugin config and fixes a number of bugs.1/22/2023
HuskChat 2.3 adds support for Minecraft 1.19(.1). HuskChat will continue to make use of system messages for the foreseeable future for dispatching chat messages as proxy server APIs do not support chat reporting. As a result, Minecraft's new Chat Reporting functionality is incompatible with HuskChat.
  • Added support for Minecraft 1.19 and Minecraft 1.19.1
    • It is no longer possible to send a command to a passthrough channel through a command shortcut.
    • For example, if your "local" channel's scope is set to LOCAL_PASSTHROUGH with a shortcut command "/local", it is no longer possible to run /local hello!. You must first switch to the channel (by running /local or /channel local) before sending the message.
    • This only applies to channels with PASSTHROUGH , LOCAL_PASSTHROUGH and GLOBAL_PASSTHROUGH scopes.
    • This is because that functionality relied on API provisions that allowed the proxy to "spoof" the chat in order to pass it back to backend servers, which is no longer possible.
    • An error message has been added to inform players of this.
    • HuskChat will continue to make use of system messages for dispatching chat for the foreseeable future. Thank you for your understanding.
  • Added the ability to send messages from chat channel(s) to Discord by sending them via a webhook
    • One-way from Minecraft to Discord only, since Discord webhooks don't support sending messages from Discord.
    • You can choose between two Discord message display formats, one using an embed and the other not
    • A new section of the config has been added to support this.
  • You can now use chat filters and replacers on Broadcast messages and additional configuration parameters have been added to support this, courtesy of @TrueWinter (#63)
  • Fixed a bug that could occur loading the config file caused by loading chat filters assigned to nonexistant channels, courtesy of @TrueWinter (#59)
  • Added locales for Bulgarian (bg-bg), courtesy of Pukejoy_1
  • API: Added three cancellable API events courtesy of @TrueWinter. Events are supported on both Bungee and Velocity platforms. Example available here. (#60)
    • BroadcastMessageEvent - when a /broadcast message is sent
    • ChatMessageEvent - when a chat message is sent
    • PrivateMessageEvent - when a private message is sent
Please note that since Velocity for Minecraft 1.19.1 has not been released yet, I have not yet tested against Velocity for 1.19.1. It is my expectation that everything should work as anticipated, though.To update, just drag+drop. You may need to regenerate your config and/or messages file.


A smart, beautiful & customisable proxy chat plugin
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3.8 (12)