HuskHomesGUI has been archived. I won't be releasing any more updates for it, and won't be able to answer related support questions; sorry about that!

HuskHomesGUI 2.3 (2 Jul 2023)

HuskHomesGUI 2.3 fixes several bugs and makes a number of stability and user experience improvements.
  • Added support for Minecraft 1.20.1
  • Updated the default configuration for a better user experience, courtesy of @ApliNi in #28
  • Public homes in the private home list are now highlighted, courtesy of @ApliNi in #39
  • Add word wrapping to descriptions, courtesy of @ApliNi in #41
  • Fixed being able to edit other's home icons
  • Fixed warp names not being displayed, courtesy of @ApliNi in #40
To update, you must regenerate your config.yml and messages-xx-xx.yml files and replace the jar file. Thank you to ApliNi for their work on this release!

Browse AllVersions

HuskHomesGUI 2.3 fixes several bugs and makes a number of stability and user experience improvements.7/2/2023
HuskHomesGUI 2.2 adds compatibility for HuskHomes v4.0+.3/25/2023
HuskHomesGUI 2.1 adds a config file for changing how the menus look, locale customization support and new editor menus—including anvil naming and description support—for easily modifying homes and warps. Thank you to @ApliNi for their work on this update!1/22/2023
HuskHomesGUI v2.0.1 updates the plugin to use MineDown-adventure for compatibility with HuskHomes v3.0.4+9/21/2022
HuskHomesGUI 2.0 is a rewrite of HuskHomesGUI v1 and adds compatibility for HuskHomes v3 and brings with it a new GUI menu design, warp browsing in a menu, cross-server icon synchronisation and the ability to choose icons based on what you are holding in your hand.9/6/2022


Show HuskHomes homes and warps in a simple to use menu
Average rating
4.6 (8)