Velocitab 1.7.4 (24 Feb 2025)

Velocitab 1.7.4 improves performance, makes a few additions for easier configuring/debugging, and fixes bugs.
  • Added /velocitab dump to produce a system status dump of the plugin to the web
  • Added the ability to define TAB groups in multiple files within a plugins/Velocitab/tab_groups folder
  • Added a new placeholders caching system.
    • Now Velocitab won't request placeholders each time with a future but will cache them for better performance
  • Added format_update_rate and nametag_update_rate configuration options
  • Added a checker for use of Legacy MiniMessage text
  • Improved tab groups configuration validation with new warning messages
  • Changed from commons-jexl3 to mvel for better performance and resource usage
  • Changed thread usage to a single asynchronous thread to fix race condition issues & consistency
  • Fixed a performance problem when relational placeholders were used.
  • Removed the MiniPlaceholders Expansion due to performance issues
    • Conditions aren't part of the mini expansion anymore, and can now be used by the LEGACY and MINEDOWN formatters
  • Removed startsWith and endsWith methods from conditionals placeholders
To update, just drag+drop.

Browse AllVersions

Velocitab 1.7.4 improves performance, makes a few additions for easier configuring/debugging, and fixes bugs.2/24/2025
Velocitab 1.7.3 adds support for Minecraft 1.21.4. and adds support for placeholders replacements.12/3/2024
Velocitab 1.7.2 adds support for Minecraft 1.21.2/3. This release of Minecraft includes a new protocol for sorting players, which we now takes advantage of for those on the latest game version.10/28/2024
Velocitab 1.7.1 fixes bugs and changes the default formatter to MiniMessage.8/23/2024
Velocitab 1.7 adds the ability to customize server links, adds conditional placeholders, fixes bugs, and more.8/11/2024
Velocitab 1.6.6 adds support for Minecraft 1.216/14/2024
Velocitab 1.6.5 adds support for Minecraft 1.20.5.
  • Added support for Minecraft 1.20.5.
  • Now requires Velocity 3.3.0-380 or newer.
  • Added a new show_all_players_from_all_groups option to config.yml
To update from the previous release, just drag+drop. From v1.5.x or earlier, you will need to regenerate your config.yml file.
Velocitab 1.6.4 fixes bugs, adds the ability to specify group server names by regex, and now allows you to specify whether to list players in the same TAB group on a per-group basis.3/16/2024
Velocitab 1.6.3 improves startup config validation, improves /velocitab name, adds some new placeholders, and adds a plugin messaging API. Requires Velocity 3.3.0 build 329 or newer.2/19/2024
Velocitab 1.6.2 fixes bugs from the previous version. Requires Velocity 3.3.0 build 329 or newer.
  • The plugin will now stop loading if an attempt is made to load it on a server running an incompatible Velocity proxy version/build.
  • Fixed the /velocitab name command not having a permission node.
  • Fixed servers not present in any tab groups having their header and footer needlessly cleared.
  • Fixed an exception that could be thrown when the plugin attempted to parse placeholders formed in certain ways (#146)
  • Fixed disconnected players haunting the TAB list if they lost connection unexpectedly, such as when moving between servers (#149)
To update from 1.6.x, just drag+drop. If you're updating from v1.5.x, please check the v1.6 release notes.
Velocitab 1.6.1 fixes compatibility issues with newer builds of Velocity, and makes a few bug fixes with packet handling.
  • Fixed compatibility with the latest Velocity 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT builds.
  • Fixed users sometimes getting kicked with DecoderException: failed to decode: Not a map: null null due to malformed packet update handling (#144)
  • Bumped a few dependencies
To update from 1.6, just drag+drop. If you're updating from v1.5, please check the v1.6 release notes.
Velocitab 1.6 fixes bugs and introduces a new, improved config structure. Thanks to @alexdev03 for their work on this release.
  • Improved the plugin config structure
    • Separated TAB group definitions into their own tab_groups.yml file
    • config.yml still contains the bulk of all plugin options, and has had its layout improved as a result
  • Added a %username_lower% built-in placeholder (lower case usernames; useful for sorting).
  • Added a config option to disable the Spectator Mode effect in the TAB menu
  • Reduced the size of the plugin JAR file
  • Various internal refactors to improve plugin efficiency, improve how caching is handled, and correct a few logic errors
  • Fixed compatibility with newer versions of Velocity 3.3
To update, drag+drop. You will need to regenerate your config.yml file for this release (see the note above).
Velocitab 1.5.2 adds support for Minecraft 1.20.4 on Velocity v3.3.0, among other improvements.12/14/2023
Velocitab 1.5.1 adds a new Developer API, makes a few improvements, and fixes bugs present in the previous release.
  • Fixed compatibility with intermediary versions (e.g., 1.16.4, 1.19.2, etc.), courtesy of @unilock (#102)
  • Improved sorting logic to better handle both high and low role weight values, courtesy of @alexdev03 (#103)
  • Integer values parsed via PAPIProxyBridge placeholders now correctly parse as sortable weighted integers cross-server, courtesy of @alexdev03 (#105)
  • API: Added a new Developer API, courtesy of @alexdev03 (#106)
    • Supports vanishing (hiding) and un-vanishing users from the TAB list, and providing VanishIntegration managers to do this as well
    • Supports changing the display names of users on the TAB list
To update from v1.5, just drag+drop. If you're updating from v1.4.x, you should regenerate (delete and allow the server to re-create) your config.yml file.
Velocitab 1.5 is a significant release that adds support for Minecraft 1.20.2, makes it possible to customise nametags displayed above players in-game, and improves the flexibility of the list sorting system.
  • Added support for Minecraft 1.20.2 (#99)
    • You must be running the absolute latest build of Velocity for this to work, as some critical TAB-related issues have only just been fixed!
  • The config option for sorting users by now supports placeholders instead of sorting keys, courtesy of @alexdev03 (#94)
    • Works with both built-in placeholders and PAPIProxyBridge placeholders
    • Will sort alphabetically based on the resolved placeholder
    • Note that integer-returning placeholders may not sort correctly; the built-in role weight placeholder will account for this
  • Added a few new built-in placeholders:
    • Added the %server_group_index% placeholder (useful for sorting users by server), courtesy of @StrixG (#88)
    • Added the %role_weight% placeholder. This placeholder returns a comparable stringified version of the user's role weight
  • Added support for formatting above-head nametags, courtesy of @alexdev03 (#84)
    • You can now customize the nametag displayed above players heads with additional text and colors.
    • Check the docs for more information!
  • Added a new option to config.yml for turning on/off scoreboard packet dispatching; required for both sorting and nametags.
  • Added support for dispatching and sorting teams for Minecraft 1.8.x and 1.12.2 clients, courtesy of @alexdev03 (#87)
  • Fixed the DisconnectEvent still being handled even if the login state was not SUCCESSFUL_LOGIN, courtesy of @Apehum (#80)
  • Fixed Update teams packets not being unregistered when the plugin disabled, courtesy of @alexdev03 (#83)
  • Fixed a rare packet encoding error on Minecraft 1.20.1, courtesy of @alexdev03 (#90)
To update, just drag+drop and regenerate your config.yml file for this release as there have been config changes.


A beautiful and versatile TAB list plugin for Velocity proxies
Online players
Online servers