
HuskTowns offers several built-in hooks providing support for other plugins.

VaultEconomy supporthttps://www.spigotmc.org/resources/vault.34315/
LuckPermsPermission Contexts for townshttps://luckperms.net/
HuskHomesImproved global teleportationhttps://william278.net/project/huskhomes/
PlanDisplay town analytics in Planhttps://www.playeranalytics.net/
PlaceholderAPIProvides HuskTowns placeholdershttps://placeholderapi.com/
DynmapAdd claim markers to your Dynmaphttps://www.spigotmc.org/resources/dynmap.274/
Pl3xMapAdd claim markers to your Pl3xMaphttps://modrinth.com/plugin/pl3xmap/
BlueMapAdd claim markers to your BlueMaphttps://www.spigotmc.org/resources/bluemap.83557/


HuskTowns supports using Vault and a compatible Economy plugin to hook into your server economy to let players deposit and withdraw money into the town coffers.


HuskTowns provides additional Permission Contexts for LuckPerms, letting you restrict permission access based on contextual factors determined by HuskTowns.

If you wish to, for instance, restrict certain commands behind a player being in a town, this is how you can do so.


  • Install LuckPerms v5.3+ on your server
  • In config.yml, ensure luckperms_contexts_hook is enabled under general.

HuskTowns-provided contexts

✅ See the LuckPerms Wiki for how to make use of contexts.

husktowns:claim-townName of the town claiming the player is standing in
husktowns:in-claimtrue/false; if a player is in a claim or not
husktowns:can-buildtrue/false; if a player can place and break blocks
husktowns:can-open-containerstrue/false; if a player can use containers
husktowns:can-interacttrue/false; if a player can interact (right click) with blocks and entities
husktowns:standing-in-own-towntrue/false; if a player is standing in a claim owned by the town they are in
husktowns:is-town-membertrue/false; if a player is a member of a town
husktowns:townName of the town the player is in
husktowns:town-roleThe player's role in their town; mayor, resident or trusted
husktowns:town-levelThe level of the town the player is in


HuskTowns has optional support for integrating with HuskHomes to provide improved global teleportation for players when teleporting to your /town spawn.


HuskTowns supports displaying statistics about towns on your Player Analytics (Plan) web panel.


  1. Install Plan v5.4.1690+ on your Spigot server(s) with HuskTowns installed
  2. Configure Plan as necessary and restart your servers
  3. Data will start showing up on Player and Server pages on the "Plugins" panel, under "HuskTowns"


If you have PlaceholderAPI installed, HuskTowns (v2.2+) will automatically register a hook providing a number of placeholders that will be replaced with their appropriate values.

Available Placeholders

The following table contains the available placeholders. You can customize the replacement messages in the plugin locales file. If you wish to customize the Yes/No messages, please edit your PlaceholderAPI config as those are sourced from there.

Standard Placeholders

%husktowns_town_name%WatersideName of town the player is in¹
%husktowns_town_role%CitizenName of the role the player has in their town¹
%husktowns_town_mayor%William278Name of the player's town mayor¹
%husktowns_town_color%#ff1200Color of the player's town (gray if not in one)
%husktowns_town_members%Mark12, William278, MeetTheProList of members of the player's town¹
%husktowns_town_member_count%3Number of members of the player's town¹
%husktowns_town_claim_count%4Number of claims made by the player's town¹
%husktowns_town_max_claims%6Maximum number of claims the player's town can make¹
%husktowns_town_max_members%5Maximum number of members the player's town can have¹
%husktowns_town_crop_growth_rate%105.0Percentage bonus crop growth rate of the player's town¹
%husktowns_town_mob_spawner_rate%102.5Percentage bonus mob spawner rate of the player's town¹
%husktowns_town_money%1230.32Balance of the player's town¹
%husktowns_town_level_up_cost%1500.00Cost for the player's town's next level up¹
%husktowns_town_level%1Current level of the player's town¹
%husktowns_town_max_level%20Maximum town level
%husktowns_current_location_town%TomoedaName of the town who owns the claim the player is in²
%husktowns_current_location_town_color%#aaaaaaColor of the town who owns the claim the player is in⁵
%husktowns_current_location_can_build%NoIf the player can build in the claim they are in³
%husktowns_current_location_can_interact%YesIf the player can interact in the claim they are in³
%husktowns_current_location_can_open_containers%NoIf the player can open containers in the claim they are in³
%husktowns_current_location_claim_type%PlotThe type of claim they are in (Claim, Plot, Farm
%husktowns_current_location_plot_members%Sakura32, Toya567If this is a plot, the name of members of the plot⁴
%husktowns_current_location_plot_managers%Sakura32If this is a plot, the name of managers of the plot⁴
%husktowns_current_location_town_money%1130.50Balance of the town who owns the claim the player is in³
%husktowns_current_location_town_level%3Level of the town who owns the claim the player is in³
%husktowns_current_location_town_level_up_cost%2400.00Cost of the town who owns the claim the player is in to level up³
%husktowns_current_location_town_max_claims%15Maximum number of claims of the town the player is in can make³
%husktowns_current_location_town_max_members%20Maximum number of members the town the player is in can have³
%husktowns_current_location_town_crop_growth_rate%105.0Percentage bonus crop growth rate of the town the player is in³
%husktowns_current_location_town_mob_spawner_rate%102.5Percentage bonus mob spawner rate of the town the player is in³

¹ — Or, Not in town if the player is not in a town
² — Or, Wilderness if they are not standing in a claim
³ — Or, Not in claim if they are not standing in a claim
⁴ — Displays Not in claim if they are not standing in a claim and Not a plot if they are not in a plot
⁵ — Returns a gray color for wilderness (if they are not standing in a claim)

Leaderboard Placeholders

These placeholders return the name of the town dependent on their position in the list of towns, sorted by their respective property (where 1 is the highest ranked town). Useful for making in-game leaderboards to promote competition among towns!

  • %husktowns_town_leaderboard_members_{index}% — Most members
  • %husktowns_town_leaderboard_claims_{index}% — Most claims
  • %husktowns_town_leaderboard_money_{index}% — Highest balance
  • %husktowns_town_leaderboard_level_{index}% — Highest level

Dynmap, Pl3xMap, BlueMap

HuskTowns has optional support for integrating with Dynmap, Pl3xMap or BlueMap to display town claims on your server's web map.

If enabled, HuskTowns will add a layer to your map highlighting chunks that are claimed by the different towns on your server! This is great for visualising where your communities are being built across your server, and to help players plan their next journey.


  1. Make sure you have one of the supported map plugins installed on your server and that it is running the latest version.
  2. Turn off your server and navigate to plugins/HuskTowns/config.yml
  3. Scroll down to the web_map_hook section under general
  4. Ensure enabled is set to true and configure the marker set name to your liking
  5. Save the config, restart the server and your web map should be populated with town claims