Get Started
- 🖥️ Commands
- 🏙️ Towns
- 🏠 Claims
- 🔨 Roles
- 🌟 Advancements
- ☯️ Relations
- ⚔️ Wars
- 🚫 Inactive Town Pruning
- 📦 API v3
- 🧡 Towns API
- ⚙️ Claims API
- 🎬 Operations API
- ❗ API Events
- 🕸️ API v1 (Legacy)
This plugin does not support the following software-Minecraft version combinations. The plugin will fail to load if you attempt to run it with these versions. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Minecraft Versions | Server Software | Notes |
1.19.4 | Only: Purpur, Pufferfish † | Older Paper builds also not supported. |
1.19.3 | Only: Paper, Purpur, Pufferfish † | Upgrade to Minecraft 1.19.4 or use Spigot |
1.16.5 | All | Please use HuskTowns v2.6.1 or lower |
below 1.16.5 | All | Upgrade to Minecraft 1.16.5 |
†Further downstream forks of this server software are also affected.