
HuskTowns stores player and town data in a database of your choosing. For cross-server setups, you'll need to configure a MySQL or MariaDB database to allow homes to be accessed globally.

Database types

There is currently no automatic way of migrating between database types. Changing the database type will cause data to be lost.
TypeFile or ServerDescriptionSupports cross-server
SQLITEFileA file-based database. This is the default (recommended) option.
MYSQLServerA database hosted on a MySQL server.
MARIADBServerA database hosted on a MariaDB server.


If you are using HuskTowns on a cross-server network, you will need to use a database type that supports cross-server setups. This is because cross-server setups require a single database to be shared between all servers so that HuskTowns can access the same data on each server.


To change the database type, navigate to your config.yml file and modify the properties under database.

Database options (config.yml)
  # Type of database to use (SQLITE, MYSQL or MARIADB)
  type: SQLITE
      # Specify credentials here if you are using MYSQL or MARIADB as your database type
      host: localhost
      port: 3306
      database: HuskTowns
      username: root
      password: pa55w0rd
      parameters: ?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8
      # MYSQL database Hikari connection pool properties. Don't modify this unless you know what you're doing!
      size: 10
      idle: 10
      lifetime: 1800000
      keepalive: 30000
      timeout: 20000

Credentials (MariaDB & MySQL)

You will need to specify the credentials (hostname, port, username, password and the database) if you are using MariaDB or MySQL. These credentials are used to connect to your database server.

Additionally, you can modify the HikariCP connection pool properties if you know what you're doing. The default values should be fine for most users.