
HuskHomes (v4.0.5+) can register a hook providing a number of placeholders that will be replaced with their appropriate values.

On Spigot/Paper, this requires PlaceholderAPI; on Fabric, Fabric PlaceholderAPI is needed instead.

List of placeholders

PlaceholderDescriptionExample Value
%huskhomes_homes_count%The number of homes this user has set3
%huskhomes_max_homes%The maximum number of homes this user can set10
%huskhomes_max_public_homes%The number of homes this user can make public5
%huskhomes_free_home_slots%The number of homes this user can make for free†5
%huskhomes_home_slots%The number of additional home slots this user has purchased†2
%huskhomes_homes_list%A comma-separated list of this user's homeshome, castle, tower
%huskhomes_public_homes_count%The number of homes this user has set to public3
%huskhomes_public_homes_list%A comma-separated list of this user's public homescastle, tower
%huskhomes_ignoring_tp_requests%Whether this user is ignoring teleport requeststrue

†Only effective on servers that make use of the Economy Hook.