- 🖥️ Commands
- 🟩 Plan Hook
- 🗺️ Map Hooks
- 💵 Economy Hook
- ⚠️ Strict Tpahere
- 🚫 Restricted Warps
- ⏰ Cooldowns
- 🌎 Global Spawn
- 🛏️ Global Respawning
- ❓ FAQs
This page contains the configuration structure for HuskHomes.
📁 plugins/HuskHomes/
(Spigot) OR config/huskhomes/
: General plugin configurationserver.yml
: (Cross-server setups only) Server ID configurationspawn.yml
: Local saved server spawn position. Use /setspawn to generate this filemessages-xx-xx.yml
: Plugin locales, formatted in MineDown (see Translations)# ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
# ┃ HuskHomes Config ┃
# ┃ Developed by William278 ┃
# ┣━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
# ┣╸ Information:
# ┣╸ Config Help:
# ┗╸ Documentation:
# Locale of the default language file to use. Docs:
language: en-gb
# Whether to automatically check for plugin updates on startup
check_for_updates: true
# Database settings
# Type of database to use (SQLITE, H2, MYSQL, MARIADB, or POSTGRESQL)
type: SQLITE
# Specify credentials here if you are using MYSQL, MARIADB, or POSTGRESQL
host: localhost
port: 3306
database: huskhomes
username: root
password: pa55w0rd
parameters: ?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8
# MYSQL / MARIADB / POSTGRESQL database Hikari connection pool properties
# Don't modify this unless you know what you're doing!
size: 12
idle: 12
lifetime: 1800000
keep_alive: 30000
timeout: 20000
# Names of tables to use on your database. Don't modify this unless you know what you're doing!
PLAYER_DATA: huskhomes_users
PLAYER_COOLDOWNS_DATA: huskhomes_user_cooldowns
POSITION_DATA: huskhomes_position_data
SAVED_POSITION_DATA: huskhomes_saved_positions
HOME_DATA: huskhomes_homes
WARP_DATA: huskhomes_warps
TELEPORT_DATA: huskhomes_teleports
# General settings
# The maximum homes a user can create. Override with the huskhomes.max_homes.<number> permission.
max_homes: 10
# The maximum public homes a user can create. Override with the huskhomes.max_public_homes.<number> permission.
max_public_homes: 10
# Whether permission limits (i.e. huskhomes.max_homes.<number>) should stack if the user inherits multiple nodes.
stack_permission_limits: false
# Whether users require a permission (huskhomes.warp.<warp_name>) to use warps
permission_restrict_warps: false
# How long a player has to stand still and not take damage for when teleporting (in seconds)
teleport_warmup_time: 5
# Whether the teleport warmup timer should be cancelled if the player takes damage
teleport_warmup_cancel_on_damage: true
# Whether the teleport warmup timer should be cancelled if the player moves
teleport_warmup_cancel_on_move: true
# Where the teleport warmup timer should display (CHAT, ACTION_BAR, TITLE, SUBTITLE or NONE)
teleport_warmup_display: ACTION_BAR
# How long the player should be invulnerable for after teleporting (in seconds)
teleport_invulnerability_time: 0
# How long before received teleport requests expire (in seconds)
teleport_request_expiry_time: 60
# Whether /tpahere should use the location of the sender when sent. Docs:
strict_tpa_here_requests: true
# How many items should be displayed per-page in chat menu lists
list_items_per_page: 12
# Whether the user should always be put back at the /spawn point when they die (ignores beds/respawn anchors)
always_respawn_at_spawn: false
# Whether teleportation should be carried out async (ensuring chunks load before teleporting)
teleport_async: true
# Settings for home and warp names
# Whether running /sethome <name> or /setwarp <name> when one already exists should overwrite.
overwrite_existing: true
# Whether home or warp names should be case insensitive (i.e. allow /home HomeOne & /home homeone)
case_insensitive: false
# Whether home and warp names should be restricted to a regex filter.Set this to false to allow full UTF-8 names (i.e. allow /home 你好).
restrict: true
# Regex which home and warp names must match. Names have a max length of 16 characters
regex: '[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*'
# Settings for home and warp descriptions
# Whether home/warp descriptions should be restricted to a regex filter. Set this to true to restrict UTF-8 usage.
restrict: false
# Regex which home and warp descriptions must match. A hard max length of 256 characters is enforced
regex: \A\p{ASCII}*\z
# Settings for the /back command
# Whether /back should work to teleport the user to where they died
return_by_death: true
# Whether /back should work with other plugins that use the PlayerTeleportEvent (can conflict)
save_on_teleport_event: false
# Settings for sound effects
# Whether to play sound effects
enabled: true
# Map of sound effect actions to types
TELEPORTATION_COMPLETE: entity.enderman.teleport
TELEPORTATION_WARMUP: block.note_block.banjo
TELEPORT_REQUEST_RECEIVED: entity.experience_orb.pickup
# Cross-server settings
# Whether to enable cross-server mode for teleporting across your proxy network.
enabled: false
# The cluster ID, for if you're networking multiple separate groups of HuskHomes-enabled servers.
# Do not change unless you know what you're doing
cluster_id: main
# Type of network message broker to ues for cross-server networking (PLUGIN_MESSAGE or REDIS)
broker_type: PLUGIN_MESSAGE
# Settings for if you're using REDIS as your message broker
host: localhost
port: 6379
# Password for your Redis server. Leave blank if you're not using a password.
password: ''
use_ssl: false
# Settings for if you're using Redis Sentinels.
# If you're not sure what this is, please ignore this section.
master_name: ''
# List of host:port pairs
nodes: []
password: ''
# Define a single global /spawn for your network via a warp. Docs:
# Whether to define a single global /spawn for your network via a warp.
enabled: false
# The name of the warp to use as the global spawn.
warp_name: Spawn
# Whether player respawn positions should work cross-server. Docs:
global_respawning: false
# Random teleport (/rtp) settings.
# Radial region around the /spawn position where players CAN be randomly teleported.
# If no /spawn has been set, (0, 0) will be used instead.
min: 500
max: 5000
# Mean of the normal distribution used to calculate the distance from the center of the world
distribution_mean: 0.75
# Standard deviation of the normal distribution for distributing players randomly
distribution_standard_deviation: 2.0
# List of worlds in which /rtp is disabled. Please note that /rtp does not work well in the nether.
- world_nether
- world_the_end
# Action cooldown settings. Docs:
# Whether to apply a cooldown between performing certain actions
enabled: true
# Map of cooldown times to actions
# Economy settings. Docs:
# Enable economy plugin integration (requires Vault and a compatible Economy plugin)
enabled: true
# Map of economy actions to costs.
# Specify how many homes players can set for free, before they need to pay for more slots
free_home_slots: 5
# Web map hook settings. Docs:
# Display public homes/warps on your Dynmap, BlueMap or Pl3xMap
enabled: true
# Show public homes on the web map
show_public_homes: true
# Show warps on the web map
show_warps: true
# List of commands to disable (e.g. ['/home', '/warp'] to disable /home and /warp)
disabled_commands: []
You should generate this file in-game with the /setspawn
# ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
# ┃ Server /spawn location cache ┃
# ┃ Edit in-game using /setspawn ┃
# ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
x: 0.0
y: 64.0
z: 0.0
yaw: 180.0
pitch: 0.0
world_name: world
world_uuid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
This file is only present if your server uses cross-server mode to run HuskHomes on a proxy network.
# ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
# ┃ HuskHomes - Server ID ┃
# ┃ Developed by William278 ┃
# ┣━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
# ┣╸ This file should contain the ID of this server as defined in your proxy config.
# ┣╸ If you join it using /server alpha, then set it to 'alpha' (case-sensitive)
# ┗╸ You only need to touch this if you're using cross-server mode.
name: beta