
HuskHomes provides a range of commands for you to use. This page will detail the permissions for each command to let you manage access to the plugin's different features.

Commands & Permissions Table

Command Conflicts:
If you have multiple plugins providing similar commands, you may need to create aliases to ensure HuskHomes' commands take priority.
Accessible by all players by default
Accessible only by server operators by default

This is a table of HuskHomes commands, how to use them, and their required permission nodes. Additional permissions for bypassing teleport warmup and economy checks are detailed below.

Command Description Permission Default
Home commands
/home /home [name] Teleport to one of your homes huskhomes.command.home
/home [<owner_name.home_name>] Teleport to another user's home huskhomes.command.home.other
/homelist /homelist [page] View a list of your homes huskhomes.command.homelist
/homelist <owner_name> [page] View a list of another user's homes huskhomes.command.homelist.other
/sethome /sethome [name] Set a new home with a name huskhomes.command.sethome
/delhome /delhome [name] Delete a home you previously set huskhomes.command.delhome
/delhome all [confirm] Delete all of your homes
/delhome <owner_name.home_name> Delete the home of another user huskhomes.command.delhome.other
/edithome /edithome <name> View and edit information about a home huskhomes.command.edithome
/edithome <name> rename <new_name> Rename a home huskhomes.command.edithome.rename
/edithome <name> description <text> Set a home's description huskhomes.command.edithome.description
/edithome <name> relocate Move a home to your current position huskhomes.command.edithome.relocate
/edithome <name> privacy [public|private] Set a home's privacy (make it public or private) huskhomes.command.edithome.privacy
/edithome <owner_name.home_name> [args] View and edit another user's home huskhomes.command.edithome.other
/phome /phome [<owner_name.home_name>] Teleport to a public home huskhomes.command.phome
/phomelist /phomelist [page] View the list of public homes huskhomes.command.phomelist
Warp commands
/warp /warp [name] Teleport to a warp huskhomes.command.warp
/warp <name> <teleporter_name> Teleport another online user to a warp huskhomes.command.warp.other
/warplist /warplist [page] View the list of warps huskhomes.command.warplist
/setwarp /setwarp <name> Set a new warp with a name huskhomes.command.setwarp
/delwarp /delwarp <name> Delete a warp huskhomes.command.delwarp
/editwarp /editwarp <name> View and edit information about a warp huskhomes.command.editwarp
/editwarp <name> rename <new_name> Rename a warp huskhomes.command.editwarp.rename
/editwarp <name> description <text> Set a warp's description huskhomes.command.editwarp.description
/editwarp <name> relocate Move a warp to your current position huskhomes.command.editwarp.relocate
Spawn commands
/spawn /spawn Teleport to the spawn position huskhomes.command.spawn
/spawn [teleporter_name] Teleport another online user to the spawn position huskhomes.command.spawn.other
/setspawn Set the spawn position to your current location huskhomes.command.setspawn
Teleport commands
/tp /tp <target_name> Teleport to an online user
/tp <teleporter_name> <target_name> Teleport an online user to another online user
/tp <(x) (y) (z) [yaw] [pitch] [world_name] [server_name]> Teleport to a set of coordinates
/tp <teleporter_name> <coordinates> Teleport an online user to a set of coordinates
/tphere /tphere <username> Teleport an online user to your position huskhomes.command.tphere
/tpoffline /tpoffline <username> Teleport to where a user last logged out huskhomes.command.tpoffline
/tpall Teleport everyone to your position huskhomes.command.tpall
Teleport request commands
/tpa /tpa <username> Send a request to teleport to another online user huskhomes.command.tpa
/tpahere /tpahere <username> Send a request asking another online user to teleport to you huskhomes.command.tpahere
/tpaall Request that everyone teleports to you huskhomes.command.tpaall
/tpaccept /tpaccept Accept the last teleport request you received huskhomes.command.tpaccept
/tpaccept [username] Accept a teleport request from a specific user
/tpdecline /tpdecline Decline the last teleport request you received huskhomes.command.tpdecline
/tpdecline [username] Decline a teleport request from a specific user
/tpignore Toggle whether to ignore incoming teleport requests huskhomes.command.tpignore
Random teleport command
/rtp /rtp Teleport randomly into the wild in the current world huskhomes.command.rtp
/rtp <player> Teleport another player randomly into the wild huskhomes.command.rtp.other
/rtp <world> Teleport randomly in a specified world
/rtp <world> <server> Teleport randomly in a specified world on a specified server
/rtp <server> Teleport randomly in the current world on a specified server
Back teleport command
/back Teleport to your last position (see below) huskhomes.command.back
Teleport back to where you last teleported from huskhomes.command.back.previous
Teleport back to where you last died huskhomes.command.back.death
Plugin management command
/huskhomes /huskhomes Use plugin management commands huskhomes.command.huskhomes
/huskhomes about View the plugin about menu huskhomes.command.huskhomes.about
/huskhomes help [page] View the list of enabled plugin commands
/huskhomes update Check for plugin updates huskhomes.command.huskhomes.update
/huskhomes reload Reload the plugin locales and config file huskhomes.command.huskhomes.reload
/huskhomes homeslots <username> [view|set|add|remove] View & manage a player's home slots (requires economy hook) huskhomes.command.huskhomes.homeslots
/huskhomes import Import data from another plugin huskhomes.command.huskhomes.import
/huskhomes delete player <username> [confirm] Delete player data from the system database huskhomes.command.huskhomes.delete
/huskhomes delete homes <world_name> [server_name] [confirm] Delete all homes on a specific world and/or server
/huskhomes delete warps <world_name> [server_name] [confirm] Delete all warps on a specific world and/or server
/huskhomes status View the system status debug info screen. huskhomes.command.huskhomes.status
/huskhomes dump Perform a web dump of the plugin system & server status. huskhomes.command.huskhomes.dump


† — If Permission Restricted Warps are in use, the huskhomes.warp.<name> permission node will also be required to be able to list, use, edit and delete (but not set) warps. The huskhomes.warp.* wildcard permission grants the ability to access all warps.

‡ — Requires return_by_death to be enabled in config.yml.

Command Aliases

The following commands have aliases that can also be used for convenience:

/phomelist/phomes, /publichomelist
/tpdecline/tpno, /tpdeny

Disabling commands

If you'd like to disable a command, add it to the disabled_commands section of your config file as detailed below and the command will not be registered.

Disabling a command in config.yml
# Disabled commands (e.g. ['/home', '/warp'] to disable /home and /warp)
disabled_commands: [ '/rtp' ]

Home limits

You can modify the maximum number of homes, the allotment of free homes and the number of public homes a user can set through permission nodes.

  • huskhomes.max_homes.<amount> — Determines the max number of homes a user can set
  • huskhomes.free_homes.<amount> — Determines the allotment of homes the user can set for free, before they have to pay†
  • huskhomes.max_public_homes.<amount> — Determines the maximum number of homes a user can make public

†Only effective on servers that make use of the economy hook.

If users have multiple permission nodes (i.e. from being in multiple permission groups), HuskHomes will accept the highest. If you prefer that the nodes stack, you can set the stack_permission_limits setting in the plugin config file to true (under general).

Note that these permission-set values override the values set in the plugin config (max_homes, max_public_homes under general and free_homes under economy).

Teleport warmup times

You can change the teleport warmup time based on a permission node:

  • huskhomes.teleport_warmup.<seconds> — Determines how long this player has to wait before teleporting.

HuskHomes will always take the highest node value present for this, regardless of the stack_permission_limits value.

Bypass permission nodes

These permissions let you bypass teleportation warmup checks, cooldown, and economy checks

Bypass timed teleportation warmups†huskhomes.bypass_teleport_warmupNot set
Bypass cooldown checkshuskhomes.bypass_cooldownsNot set
Bypass economy checkshuskhomes.bypass_economy_checksNot set

†This is not effective when the teleport warmup time is set to <= 0 in the config file. This permission also bypasses the numerical teleport warmup time permission detailed above.