Restricted Warps

HuskHomes supports restricting warps behind permission nodes through the Permission-Restrict Warps feature.


With permission_restrict_warps enabled in config.yml, players are required to have a corresponding huskhomes.warp.<name> node. Note that this is a different permission from the one required to use the /warp command, which is huskhomes.command.warp.

With the huskhomes.warp.<name> permission node, where <name> is the name of the warp, users can:

  • Teleport to the warp with /warp <name>
  • View the warp in the /warplist, or TAB-complete the warp
  • Delete, or edit warps with that name, if they have access to the respective commands

If users have permission to set warps, they will still be able to set warps with names they do not have permission for, but be advised they will not be able to edit or delete the warp once set without permission. If you're using permission restricted warps, we therefore recommend also granting the wildcard warp permission (see below).

Note that the name of the warp is case-sensitive (i.e. the huskhomes.warp.Home permission node is different to the huskhomes.warp.home permission node).

Users with the huskhomes.warp.* permission will be able to use all warps.


To enable permission-restricted warps, set permission_restrict_warps to true under general. Don't forget to grant users the necessary permission nodes (huskhomes.warp.<name>).

Permission Restrict Warps – config.yml
  # Whether users require a permission (huskhomes.warp.<warp_name>) to use warps
  permission_restrict_warps: false