
HuskSync supports the following versions of Minecraft. Since v3.7, you must download the correct version of HuskSync for your server:

MinecraftLatest HuskSyncJava VersionPlatformsSupport Ends
1.21.1latest21Paper, FabricActive Release 2024 2024
1.20.1latest17Paper, FabricNovember 2025 (LTS)
1.17.1 - ended ended

HuskSync is primarily developed against the latest release. Old Minecraft versions are allocated a support channel based on popularity, mod support, etc:

  • Long Term Support (LTS) – Supported for up to 12-18 months
  • Non-Long Term Support (Non-LTS) – Supported for 3-6 months

Incompatible versions

This plugin does not support the following software-Minecraft version combinations. The plugin will fail to load if you attempt to run it with these versions. Apologies for the inconvenience.

MinecraftServer SoftwareNotes
1.19.4Only: Purpur, PufferfishOlder Paper builds also not supported.
1.19.3Only: Paper, Purpur, PufferfishUpgrade to 1.19.4 or use Spigot
1.16.5AllPlease use v3.3.1 or lower
below 1.16.5AllUpgrade to Minecraft 1.16.5

†Further downstream forks of this server software are also affected.