Operations API

HuskTowns exposes API to let you register OperationTypes to call custom operations and check if they should be allowed with the Handler.

Table of Contents

1. Getting the OperationTypeRegistry

  • The OperationTypeRegistry is the registry containing registered OperationTypes.
  • It also lets you access the Handler class.
  • Get the OperationTypeRegistry with HuskTownsAPI#getOperationTypeRegistry
Example — Getting the OperationTypeRegistry
void getRegistry() {
    final OperationTypeRegistry reg = HuskTowns.getOperationTypeRegistry();

2. Operations and OperationTypes

  • Operations represent actions in a world that can be prevented from occuring entity based on:
    • Which game entity, if any, performed the action
    • If the game entity is a player, their trust level (see Trust API)
    • The location the action affects or occurred
    • The game entity, if any, affected by the action
  • The type of action that occurred is represented by an OperationType.
  • Your plugin can create Operations with custom registered OperationTypes and call Handler#isOperationAllowed to allow to determine whether your custom plugin/mod's actions should be permitted
  • Users can then add these OperationTypes to their trust levels config.

3. Registering a custom OperationType

  • Start by registering a custom OperationType. We recommend doing this onEnable (not onLoad before HuskTowns has loaded).
  • Use OperationTypeRegistry#registerOperationType(@NotNull Key key, boolean silent) to create an OperationType
    • key - the key identifier of the OperationType (e.g. Key.of("my_plugin", "operation_name") -> my_plugin:operation_name).
    • silent - whether players should be informed when this operation is cancelled (usually you want this on, unless your operation doesn't affect players or is particularly spammy such as pressure plate triggering operations)
  • This method will create, then register an OperationType. You should save this Operation Type somewhere for later use.
Example — Registering a custom OperationType
private OperationType releaseMonOpType;

void getRegistry() {
    final OperationTypeRegistry reg = HuskTowns.getOperationTypeRegistry();
    releaseMonOpType = reg.createOperationType(Key.of("mons_mod", "release_mon"));

4. Using Handler to cancel Operations with your custom OperationType

  • Get the Handler with OperationTypeRegistry#getHandler
  • Create an Operation with your newly made OperationType using Operation#of()
    • There are different static Operation#of variants letting you specify the performing user, operation type, operation position, silent state of this operation (overriding the default value of the operation type), and victim user in various combinations.
  • Call Handler#cancelOperation to get a boolean true or false value of whether the Operation should be allowed
  • Decide whether to perform logic based on that return value
Example — Checking if Operations are allowed
private OperationType releaseMonOpType;

void onMonReleased(Player bukkitPlayer, Location releasedAt) {
  final OperationTypeRegistry reg = HuskTowns.getOperationTypeRegistry();
  final boolean cancelled = reg.getHandler().cancelOperation(Operation.of(
        HuskTowns.getPlayer(bukkitPlayer), // OnlineUser implements OperationUser
        HuskTowns.getPosition(releasedAt) // Position implements OperationPosition
    if (cancelled) {
        // Don't continue with the action
    // Logic would continue if the operation wasn't cancelled...