Towns API

HuskTowns provides an API for getting, creating, and editing Towns. Note that actions carried out through the API will not fire API Events.

This page assumes you have read the general API introduction and that you have both imported HuskTowns into your project and added it as a dependency.

Table of contents

1. Getting a Town

  • You can get a town with #getTown(String name)
  • This will return an Optional<Town>; a town wrapped with an Optional (that will be empty if no town exists with the supplied name)
  • A Town object has a range of properties and methods for interacting with the town.
  • You can also get the Town from a TownClaim object - see the Claims API for more information.
Example — Getting a town by name
void getTownByName(String townName) {
    Optional<Town> town = huskTowns.getTown(townName);
    if (town.isPresent()) {
        // Do something with the town
        Town townObject = town.get();
        System.out.println("Town name: " + townObject.getName());
    } else {
        System.out.println("No town found with the name " + townName);

1.1 Getting a user's town & role

  • You can get a user's town with #getUserTown(User user), which will return an Optional<Member> for the town the user is in.
    • If the Member is present, you can use Member#town() to get the Town object
    • If the OnlineUser is not in a town, the Optional will be empty (Optional#isEmpty())
  • You can then get the user's town Role via Member#role()
Example — Getting a user's town and role
void showUserTownAndRole(org.bukkit.Player player) {
    OnlineUser user = huskTowns.getOnlineUser(player);
    Optional<Member> member = huskTowns.getUserTown(user);
    if (member.isPresent()) {
        Town town = member.get().town();
        Role role = member.get().role();
        System.out.println("User " + player.getName() + " is in the town " + town.getName() + " with the role " + role.getName());
    } else {
        System.out.println("User " + player.getName() + " is not in a town");

1.2 Checking a user's privileges

  • You can check what Privileges a Member can perform with HuskTownsAPI#isPrivilegeAllowed(Privilege privilege, User user)
    • This method will return true if the user has the privilege, and false if they do not.
Example — Checking if a user can create claims
void showCanCreateTownClaims(org.bukkit.Player player) {
    boolean allowed = huskTowns.isPrivilegeAllowed(Privilege.CLAIM, huskTowns.getOnlineUser(player));
    if (allowed) {
        System.out.println("User " + player.getName() + " can create claims");
    } else {
        System.out.println("User " + player.getName() + " cannot create claims");

2. Editing a Town

  • You can modify this Town object, then save it with #updateTown(Town town, OnlineUser user)
  • This requires an OnlineUser actor to network town changes in cases where the server is using Plugin Message networking in cross-server mode.
    • This user does not have to have permissions to perform the relevant edit actions.
    • You should use a relevant user for the action, such as the player who is performing the action if possible, otherwise a random user.
    • To get an OnlineUser object, use the platform modules — on the Bukkit platform, use #getOnlineUser(org.bukkit.Player player).
  • The #editTown(OnlineUser actor, String townName, Consumer<Town> editor) provides a way to modify a town in a single action using a Consumer<Town>.
    • You can use this method to add a user to a town via Town#addMember(UUID, role) — just be sure to make sure you don't add users to multiple towns!
    • You can also use this method to modify the town's properties, such as the greeting and farewell messages. Be sure to check the Javadoc comments to make sure you properly validate user input.
  • This is not the API for creating claims! See the Claims API for that.
Example — Editing a town
void editTown(String townName, org.bukkit.Player player) {
    OnlineUser online = huskTowns.getOnlineUser(player);
    huskTowns.editTown(online, townName, town -> {
        town.setGreeting("Welcome to our town!");

3. Creating a Town

  • You can create a town with #createTown(String name, OnlineUser user)
  • This returns a CompletableFuture<Town> which will be completed with the new town if it was created successfully.
  • This future may complete exceptionally if the town could not be created, for example if a town with the same name already exists; you should handle this case.
Example — Creating a town
void createTown(String townName, org.bukkit.Player player) {
    OnlineUser online = huskTowns.getOnlineUser(player);
    CompletableFuture<Town> future = huskTowns.createTown(townName, online);
    future.thenAccept(town -> {
        System.out.println("Town created: " + town.getName());
    }).exceptionally(throwable -> {
        System.out.println("Failed to create town: " + throwable.getMessage());
        return null;

4. Deleting a Town

  • You can delete a town with #deleteTown(String name, OnlineUser user)
  • This will also delete all claims and data associated with the town.
Example — Deleting a town
void deleteTown(String townName, org.bukkit.Player player) {
    OnlineUser online = huskTowns.getOnlineUser(player);
    huskTowns.deleteTown(townName, online);