Back Command

The /back command lets users teleport to a position they were at previously. This includes:

  • Where the player was before they last used another HuskHomes teleportation command (on by default)
  • Where the player was before they last died (off by default, requires permission)
  • Where the player was before they last used another plugin's teleport command (off by default)


Through the config file and permissions, you can choose which last positions to let users return to.

Back Command – config.yml
# Settings for the /back command
  # Whether /back should work to teleport the user to where they died
  return_by_death: true
  # Whether /back should work with other plugins that use the PlayerTeleportEvent (can conflict)
  save_on_teleport_event: false
  # List of world names where the /back command cannot RETURN the player to.
  # A user's last position won't be updated if they die or teleport from these worlds, but they still will be able to use the command while IN the world
  restricted_worlds: []

Restricting /back

There are several options for restricting the use of /back.

Letting users return to a previous position

Being able to return to where a user last performed a HuskHomes teleportation command from is the default functionality of /back.

To disable this, give the player the huskhomes.command.back.previous permission node, set to the value false.

Letting users "return by death"

To enable "return by death" – where a user can return to where they most recently died with /back – first enable return_by_death under config.yml

Return By Death – config.yml
  # Whether /back should work to teleport the user to where they died
  return_by_death: true

Then, grant the player the huskhomes.command.back.death permission node.

Disabling using /back to return to certain worlds

Add world names to the restricted_worlds list under back_command in the config file and the plugin will no longer save last positions within the listed worlds.

This will stop the plugin from letting users return to certain specific worlds. It will not, however, prevent users from using the /back command in these worlds. To stop users from using /back in specific worlds, use LuckPerms Contextual Permissions.

Restricted Worlds – config.yml
  # List of world names where the /back command cannot RETURN the player to.
  # A user's last position won't be updated if they die or teleport from these worlds, but they still will be able to use the command while IN the world
  restricted_worlds: []

Returning from other plugins' teleports

This may cause conflicts with the behaviour of some plugins, please take caution when enabling this if you have lots of plugins installed!

To use /back to return to where other plugins' teleported a user from, enable save_on_teleport_event.

Teleport Event – config.yml
  # Whether /back should work with other plugins that use the PlayerTeleportEvent (can conflict)
  save_on_teleport_event: false