Get Started
- 📚 Setup
- ➡️ Importers
- 📄 Config
- 📝 Translations
- 🔌 Hooks
- 🖥️ Commands
- ⛔ Permissions
- 🥄 Claims
- ❤️ Trust
- 🎛️ Operation Groups
- 🪧 Sign Moderation
- 🪦 Drops Moderation
- 😴 Inactivity Pruning
- 🐕 Pets
This page contains the configuration structure for HuskClaims.
📁 plugins/HuskClaims/
: General plugin configurationserver.yml
: Server ID configurationtrust_levels.yml
: Trust levels configuration (see Trust levels)messages-xx-xx.yml
: Plugin locales, formatted in MineDown (see Translations)# ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
# ┃ HuskClaims - Config ┃
# ┃ Developed by William278 ┃
# ┣━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
# ┣╸ Information:
# ┣╸ Config Help:
# ┗╸ Documentation:
# Locale of the default language file to use. Docs:
language: en-gb
# Whether to automatically check for plugin updates on startup
check_for_updates: true
# How many seconds players must wait between executing HuskClaims commands (floating point number)
command_cooldown_seconds: 0.5
# Database settings
# Type of database to use (SQLITE, MYSQL or MARIADB)
type: SQLITE
# Specify credentials here if you are using MYSQL or MARIADB
host: localhost
port: 3306
database: huskclaims
username: root
password: pa55w0rd
parameters: ?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true
# MYSQL / MARIADB database Hikari connection pool properties
# Don't modify this unless you know what you're doing!
size: 12
idle: 12
lifetime: 1800000
keep_alive: 30000
timeout: 20000
# Names of tables to use on your database. Don't modify this unless you know what you're doing!
META_DATA: huskclaims_metadata
USER_DATA: huskclaims_users
USER_GROUP_DATA: huskclaims_user_groups
CLAIM_DATA: huskclaims_claim_worlds
# Cross-server settings
# Whether to enable cross-server mode
enabled: false
# The cluster ID, for if you're networking multiple separate groups of HuskClaims-enabled servers.
# Do not change unless you know what you're doing
cluster_id: main
# Type of network message broker to ues for data synchronization (PLUGIN_MESSAGE or REDIS)
broker_type: PLUGIN_MESSAGE
# Settings for if you're using REDIS as your message broker
host: localhost
port: 6379
# Password for your Redis server. Leave blank if you're not using a password.
password: ''
use_ssl: false
# Settings for if you're using Redis Sentinels.
# If you're not sure what this is, please ignore this section.
master_name: ''
# List of host:port pairs
nodes: []
password: ''
# Claim flags & world settings
# Default operation type flags for new regular claims
- player_damage_monster
- explosion_damage_entity
- player_damage_player
- monster_spawn
- passive_mob_spawn
# Default operation type flags for new admin claims
- player_damage_monster
- explosion_damage_entity
- player_damage_player
- monster_spawn
- passive_mob_spawn
# List of enabled claim types. Must include at least the regular "CLAIMS" mode
# Default operation type flags for the wilderness (outside claims)
# To modify existing worlds, use /claimflags set <flag> <true/false> while standing outside a claim.
- empty_bucket
- block_place
- farm_block_break
- farm_block_place
- entity_interact
- start_raid
- place_hanging_entity
- break_vehicle
- explosion_damage_entity
- place_vehicle
- fire_burn
- player_damage_entity
- fill_bucket
- break_hanging_entity
- use_spawn_egg
- block_break
- passive_mob_spawn
- monster_damage_terrain
- container_open
- explosion_damage_terrain
- monster_spawn
- ender_pearl_teleport
- player_damage_persistent_entity
- farm_block_interact
- fire_spread
- block_interact
- player_damage_monster
- redstone_interact
- player_damage_player
# List of worlds where users cannot claim
unclaimable_worlds: []
# The number of claim blocks a user gets when they first join the server
starting_claim_blocks: 100
# The number of claim blocks a user gets hourly.
# Override with the "huskclaims.hourly_blocks.(amount)" permission
hourly_claim_blocks: 100
# The maximum number of claim blocks a user can have.
maximum_claim_blocks: 9999999
# The maximum amount of land, in claim blocks, that can be affected at once by /claim, /extendclaim,
# or the claim tool. Increasing this can affect performance when users claim lots of land at once.
maximum_claim_action_size: 45000
# Claim inspection tool (right click with this to inspect claims)
inspection_tool: minecraft:stick
# Model data settings for the inspection tool
required: false
model_data: 0
# Claim creation & resize tool (right click with this to create/resize claims)
claim_tool: minecraft:golden_shovel
# Model data settings for the claim tool
required: false
model_data: 0
# Require players to hold the claim tool to use claim commands (e.g. /claim <radius>, /extendclaim)
require_tool_for_commands: true
# Minimum size of claims along one edge. This does not affect child or admin claims.
minimum_claim_size: 5
# Max range of inspector tools
inspection_distance: 64
# Whether to allow inspecting nearby claims by sneaking when using the inspection tool
allow_nearby_claim_inspection: true
# Whether to require confirmation when deleting claims that have children
confirm_deleting_parent_claims: true
# Whether to send a message when a player enters a claim
send_entry_message: false
# Whether to send a message when a player exits a claim
send_exit_message: false
# Whether to enable the /trapped command. Install HuskHomes to require a warmup before teleporting.
trapped_command: true
# Settings for automatically removing claims made by now-inactive users
# Whether to delete all claims made by users marked as inactive. (Warning: Dangerous!)
enabled: false
# The number of days a user must not log on for to be marked as inactive (Minimum: 1)
inactive_days: 60
# List of worlds to exclude from being pruned.
excluded_worlds: []
# List of users (by either UUID or username) to exclude from inactive claim pruning
excluded_users: []
# Settings for banning users from claims
# Whether to let users ban others from their claims (prevent them from entering) using /claimban
# Also requires the MANAGE_BANS privilege (by default, restricted to those with 'manage' trust)
enabled: false
# Whether to let users set their claim claims to private (prevent others from entering) using /claimprivate
# Also requires the MANAGE_BANS privilege (by default, restricted to those with 'manage' trust)
private_claims: false
# Groups of operations that can be toggled on/off in claims
- name: Claim Explosions
description: Toggle whether explosions can damage terrain in claims
- claimexplosions
- explosion_damage_terrain
- monster_damage_terrain
# Settings for user groups, letting users quickly manage trust for groups of multiple players at once
# Whether to enable user groups
enabled: true
# The prefix to use when specifying a group in a trust command (e.g. /trust @groupname)
group_specifier_prefix: '@'
# Whether to restrict group names with a regex filter
restrict_group_names: true
# Regex for group names
group_name_regex: '[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*'
# Max members per group
max_members_per_group: 10
# Max groups per player
max_groups_per_player: 3
# Settings for trust tags, special representations of things you can trust in a claim
# Whether to enable trust tags
enabled: true
# The prefix to use when specifying a trust tag in a trust command (e.g. /trust #tagname)
tag_specifier_prefix: '#'
# The name of the default public access tag (to let anyone access certain claim levels)
public_access_name: public
# Settings for the claim inspection/creation highlighter
# Whether to use block display entities for glowing (requires Paper 1.19.4+)
block_displays: true
# If using block displays, whether highlights should use a glow effect (requires Paper 1.19.4+)
glow_effect: true
# The blocks to use when highlighting claims
CORNER: minecraft:glowstone
EDGE: minecraft:gold_block
CHILD_CORNER: minecraft:iron_block
CHILD_EDGE: minecraft:white_wool
ADMIN_CORNER: minecraft:glowstone
ADMIN_EDGE: minecraft:pumpkin
OVERLAP_CORNER: minecraft:red_nether_bricks
OVERLAP_EDGE: minecraft:netherrack
SELECTION: minecraft:diamond_block
# The color of the glow effect used for blocks when highlighting claims
# Settings for protecting tamed animals (pets). Docs:
# Whether to enable protecting tamed animals to only be harmed/used by their owner
enabled: true
# Settings for moderation tools
# Whether to notify users with /signspy on when signs are placed.edited. Requires Minecraft 1.19.4+Requires Minecraft 1.19.4+
notify_moderators: true
# Whether to filter messages
filter_messages: false
# Whether sign notifications should be limited to just filtered signs
only_notify_if_filtered: false
# Single character to replace filtered message content with
replacement_character: '#'
# List of words to filter out of signs
filtered_words: []
# Whether to lock ground items dropped by players when they die from being picked up by others
lock_items: true
# Whether to also prevent death drops from being destroyed by lava, fire, cacti, etc.
prevent_destruction: true
# Settings for integration hooks with other plugins
# Whether to hook into LuckPerms for permission group trust tags
enabled: true
# Require users to have the "" permission to use LuckPerms trust tags
trust_tag_use_permission: true
# The prefix to use when specifying a LuckPerms group trust tag (e.g. /trust #role/groupname)
trust_tag_prefix: role/
# Whether to hook into Plan to display claim analytics
enabled: true
# Whether to hook into HuskHomes for claim teleportation and home restriction
enabled: true
# Whether to register the huskhomes:set_home operation type for restricting home setting in claims
restrict_set_home: true
# Whether to hook into HuskTowns to disable claiming over town claims
enabled: true
# Whether to hook into an economy plugin to allow buying claim blocks
enabled: true
# The cost of buying 1 claim block
cost_per_block: 1.0
# Whether to hook into PlaceholderAPI to provide a HuskClaims placeholder expansion
enabled: true
# Whether to hook into WorldGuard to provide a flag to deny claiming in WorldGuard regions
enabled: true
# Whether to hook into Geyser to let Bedrock users highlight claims. Requires Floodgate installed.
enabled: true
# Whether to hook into Dynmap, BlueMap, or Pl3xMap to show claims on the map
enabled: true
# What colors to use for types of claims on the map. Remove a pairing to hide claims of that type.
CLAIMS: '#ffff55'
CHILD_CLAIMS: '#ffffff'
ADMIN_CLAIMS: '#aa0000'
# The name of the marker set key
marker_set_name: Claims
# The label format for markers. '%s' will be replaced with the claim owner's name
label_format: Claim by %s
# ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
# ┃ HuskClaims Server ID config ┃
# ┃ Developed by William278 ┃
# ┣━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
# ┣╸ This file should contain the ID of this server as defined in your proxy config.
# ┗╸ If you join it using /server alpha, then set it to 'alpha' (case-sensitive)
name: beta