Conditional Placeholders
In order to use these placeholders, install MiniPlaceholders on your Velocity proxy, set the formatter_type
, and ensure enable_miniplaceholders_hook
is set to true
Conditional placeholders allow you to display different values based on certain conditions. The format
is <velocitab_rel_condition|<condition>|<true>|<false>>
Currently, this system is only available for the format
and nametag
fields in the tab groups configuration.
Table of Conditional Placeholders
Placeholder Example | Description | Example Output |
<velocitab_rel_condition:%vault_eco_balance% >= 10:rich:poor> | Checks if the player's vault balance is greater than or equal to 10. If true, displays "rich", else "poor". | rich or poor |
<velocitab_rel_condition:%player_health% < 10:Low Health:Healthy> | Checks if the player's health is below 10. If true, displays "Low Health", else "Healthy". | Low Health or Healthy |
<velocitab_rel_condition:%player_ping% <= 50:Good Ping:Bad Ping> | Checks if the player's ping is 50 or below. If true, displays "Good Ping", else "Bad Ping". | Good Ping or Bad Ping |
<velocitab_rel_condition:%player_level% >= 30:High Level:Low Level> | Checks if the player's level is 30 or above. If true, displays "High Level", else "Low Level". | High Level or Low Level |
<velocitab_rel_condition:%player_exp% >= 1000:XP Master:XP Novice> | Checks if the player has 1000 or more experience points. If true, displays "XP Master", else "XP Novice". | XP Master or XP Novice |
<velocitab_rel_condition:"%player_name%" == ''AlexDev_'' OR "%player_name%" == ''William278_'':VelocitabDev:> | Checks if the player's name is either "AlexDev_" or "William278". If true, displays "Developer", else "NotDev". | Developer or NotDev |
<velocitab_rel_condition:startsWith(''%player_name%'', ''AlexDe''):IsAlex:NotAlex> | Checks if the player's name starts with "AlexDe". If true, displays "IsAlex", else "NotAlex". | IsAlex or NotAlex |
<velocitab_rel_condition:endsWith(''%player_name%'', ''278''):EndsWith278:DoesNotEndWith278> | Checks if the player's name ends with "278". If true, displays "EndsWith278", else "DoesNotEndWith278". | EndsWith278 or DoesNotEndWith278 |
<velocitab_rel_condition:"%player_gamemode%" == ''CREATIVE'':Creative Mode:Not Creative Mode> | Checks if the player is in creative mode. If true, displays "Creative Mode", else "Not Creative Mode". | Creative Mode or Not Creative Mode |
<velocitab_rel_condition:"%player_world%" == ''nether'':In Nether:Not in Nether> | Checks if the player is in the Nether. If true, displays "In Nether", else "Not in Nether". | In Nether or Not in Nether |
<velocitab_rel_condition:"%player_biome%" == "DESERT":In Desert:Not in Desert> | Checks if the player is in a desert biome. If true, displays "In Desert", else "Not in Desert". | In Desert or Not in Desert |
<velocitab_rel_condition:''%player_gamemode%''.contains(''S''):Survival or Spectator:Not Survival or Spectator> | Checks if the player is in survival or spectator mode. If true, displays "Survival or Spectator", else "Not Survival or Spectator". | Survival or Spectator or Not Survival or Spectator |
<velocitab_rel_condition:%player_health% == %target_player_health%:Same health:Not same health> | Checks if the player's health is the same as the target player's health. If true, displays "Same health", else "Not same health". | Same health or Not same health |
Note: For string comparisons, use double quotes " "
or single quotes ' '
. For numerical comparisons, quotes are
not needed.
Also if you use '
for quotes, you need to escape them with ''
. The same applies for "
and ""
. Example: ''%player_name%''
or "'%player_name%'"
In order to use papi placeholders for target you need to use ''%target_player_name%''
in order to get ''%player_name%''
replaced with the target player's name.
If you want to use :
as a character in the condition or in the true/false value, you need to replace it with ?dp?
. Example: <velocitab_rel_condition:%player_health% == %target_player_health%:Value?dp?True:Value?dp?False>
If you want to compare audience player's health with target player's health, you can use the following configuration:
format: "<velocitab_rel_condition:%player_health% == %target_player_health%:Same health:Not same health>"
This is system is based on JEXL expressions.